Friday, June 4, 2010

Workforce Development Interview - Jackie Wilgress

Jackie Wilgress who is the Manager of Family Worker Training and Development Programme Inc. has been interviewed on the Sector Workforce Issues by Miguel Ferrero (MF), convener of the Training Directions Network. This is a summary of the conversation.

What has been your career path to your current job?

I started work in the Community Sector in 1983; I was very part time, a few hours a week. In 1990 I was employed by The Hills Family Centre at Castle Hill as the Group Coordinator, part time. In 1995 I completed The Diploma of Community Organisations with UTS and was successful in getting my current job with Family Worker Training in December 1995. That was 14 and half years ago. Family Worker Training was originally funded as one full time position, it has grown and we now have the equivalent of 6 full time positions and 10 staff.

What in your opinion what are the key workforce issues faced by the community sector?

1. There is no security in our jobs partly because of the short term funding arrangements. As a Manager I know workers are always on the lookout for ’another’ job when I can only offer them a 1 year position.
2. Not being able to offer staff a great wage. Government will always pay much higher than our sector, so workers will sway towards those jobs as they (the worker) become more qualified in the sector.

What strategies the sector could develop to address these issues?

Longer term funding arrangements would be great – 3 year minimum. I think we have to keep talking to our funders and encourage them to see the longer term benefits from longer term funding.

What is your advice to the Community Sector that could be helpful to face these issues?

Although we don’t always have the dollars to attract staff we can offer other incentives. As a smaller ‘not for profit’ we are striving to become a ‘learning organisation’. Allowing our staff to grow and develop will not only benefit us but will have great benefits to the sector. Learning Organisations do have a much better staff retention rate.

Keep on doing what we do best – advocate on behalf of the families we are working with/for.

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