Monday, July 27, 2009

"Improving transfer of learning" article

TDN Bloggers

Anita Mullaly who is the HACC Training Coordinator at Macarthur Disability Services and member of our TDN has emailed me a recommended article about what a manager can do to improve transfer of learning to their workers when they go to training. By clicking the link you will have access to the full article

Also, I included a free extract from the book "The Skilled Facilitator" by Roger Schwarz who is one of the "gurus" in the facilitation world. The chapter explains what is the "Skilled Facilitator" Approach. Very informative.

Thanks Anita


"Training for Change" Website

Dear TDN bloggers

I found a really interesting website called "Training for Change" and what really drew my attention was the "tools" section. It contains excellent games and activities to make the training session more participatory and inclusive. It is really worthing exploring the entire website.

Happy surfing


Monday, July 20, 2009

"Facebook and Not for Profits" article

I have recently found an article about "Facebook and the Not for Profits" sector in the website of "Probono Australia".

Although I am not a heavy user of Facebook (checking my account twice per week), I found the article very encouraging on how the sector can use this e-learning tool to promote events, build online communities and engage mainly a younger audience. I know that this tool is more likely to be used among youth workers with positive and encouraging results.

The full article is attached to this post for your perusal.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Training Needs Analysis - List of articles

Dear TDN members

I found this website with seven short articles about training needs analysis. They are very informative, succint and short

Also, I found this website based in the UK containing some useful bits

Happy reading


"The People of NSW" 2006 Census

Dear TDN members

The Community Relations Commission has made available two volumes of statistical data from the 2006 Census. The name of the document is "The People of New South Wales" which is a major compilation of statistics on birthplace, language, religion and ancestry from the 2006 Census of Population and Housing. I hope that this information can help you with your planning process.