Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is your computer ready for e-learning? article

The latest newsletter issue has included an article about a new online tool which can tell you if your computer has the required softwares for e-learning. I have included the link to the full article and some info about funding available for e-learning in 2009


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lifelong Learning (2) History

The origins of the concept of Lifelong Learning can be traced back to authors such as Basil Yeaxlee and Eduard Lindeman in England in the 1920’s. They understood education as an ongoing process, affecting mainly adults, and certainly not restricted to formal school. They also introduced the concepts of “life-as-education”, and the valuing of individual’s experiences as much as their formal education (Faris:2004). These two authors helped to define the limits and the basic principles of adult education, and therefore Lifelong Learning.

From the 1930’s and up until the 1970’s, Lifelong Learning was closely linked to adult/popular education and the worker’s education movement (Kearns et al: 1999). The focus at the this time was on training workers, linking them to formal education and increasing the influence of the trade union movement by building their activist base.

The post-World War II period saw the decolonisation of African and Asian nations and the rise of national – liberation movements in other Third World countries. Newly elected governments were required to implement literacy campaigns and massive expansion of education to build nationhood and incorporate new groups into the political process (Kearns at al:1999). In response to the needs of these emerging nations, UNESCO took the lead in developing the concept of Lifelong Learning as a cultural policy which promoted social change. In 1972, UNESCO released the Faure report titled “Learning To Be”. In this report, UNESCO outlines their vision of what they titled “education permanente”, or permanent (i.e. lifelong) education, as encompassing the whole life span, being inclusive of different social sectors, occurring across different formal and informal settings (home, communities, workplaces), and addressing a broad range of social, cultural, and economic purposes (cited in Kearns: 2005).

The 1970’s saw a number of important reports outlining policy directions regarding education in this broad sense. The OECD contributed to the debate with their own reports: “Recurrent Education: a Strategy for Lifelong Learning” (1973) and, later, the “Lifelong Learning for All” report (1996) (Faris: 2004). The first (1973) report was quite similar in spirit to UNESCO’s contribution. However, by the time their second (1996), the view of the OECD (and, to some extent, the views of UNESCO) had shifted.

The OECD’s “Lifelong Learning for All (or Delors) report represented a major shift in the focus of lifelong learning. This report claims that lifelong learning is based on four pillars: learning to live together, learning to be, learning to know, and learning to do (cited in Robinson: 2000 and Kearns: 1999). The concepts of “learning to live together” and “learning to be” attempt to address social goals such as civic participation, social cohesion and democratic processes. On the other hand, the concepts lf “Learning to know” and learning to do” address economic imperatives such as building a highly skilled and competitive workforce (Noonan: 2005). These last two “pillars” were given the most emphasis in the OECD report.

The OECD’s 1996 report highlighted the socio-economic purpose of Lifelong Learning, and recommended increasing early childhood education, explicitly linking learning and work, assessing and recognising skills and competencies, developing new Lifelong Learning opportunities, and rethinking the roles and responsibilities of unions, employer organisations, civil society and governments (Kearnes, McDonald, Candy, Knights and Papadopoulos: 1999).
The European Union joined the debate in the 1990s, building on the OECD’s report and attempted to combine economic (international competitiveness) and social (social cohesion) outcomes as the main goals of their lifelong learning policy, with a slightly stronger emphasis on the economic advantages.
These milestone documents produced by UNESCO, OECD and the European Union have highlighted the recognition of formal and informal learning, the importance of self-motivated learning, and the universal participation in Lifelong Learning (Watson: 2003). Over the years, the economic prosperity and social stability have become more prominent than inclusion or some of the other original social ideas, and has come to embrace the idea of self-funded learning as key element of Lifelong Learning policy.

The next article will be covering the current drivers of Lifelong Learning. If you have any comment, you can send them to Miguel to

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Big Skills Conference 09 - Sydney Australia

"The Big Skills" Conference is hosted by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. This is the first major national conference on skills and training hosted at the Federal level in recent times.

I have attached the registration brochure for your perusal if you are interested in attending it.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Lifelong Learning (Introduction)

Lifelong Learning (Introduction)

Over the next few weeks, I will be discussing the idea of Lifelong Learning, its origins and driving forces. These short articles are based on literature research I carried out last year in the course of my Masters studies at Sydney University.

The concept of Lifelong Learning (LLL) has gained prominence in developed countries in response to the economic, technological, demographic and business changes experienced by these economies beginning in the 1980s and into the 1990s. Although this term (LLL) is presented as relatively new, the concept behind it is much older, having emerged in the 1920s and 1930s under the discourse of “adult education”.

There is now relative agreement about the scope of Lifelong Learning, which is defined broadly in the wider literature as “post-secondary education”. However, in its evolution from the original concept of Adult Education, a number of different perspectives have developed in terms of its fundamental aims.

Different aspects of the discussion around Lifelong Learning in will be covered in progressive blog posts. These will include a historical account of the concept, the main drivers of the current interest in LLL, the current debate amongst the main perspectives on LLL, and the different discourses which are fighting for control over the local and international LLL agenda. I will identify and describe the key issues affecting the Lifelong Learning framework in Australia and the contribution of the voluntary sector to the practice of LLL. But first, let’s set up some definitions and context.

Lifelong learning should be understood as an organising principles to address issues of education and training differently. These principles are that:

a) LLL occurs throughout society and in different contexts (families, communities, workplaces),
b) it affects the lifecycle of the individual,
c) involves formal education and training and informal learning, and
d) LLL can be facilitated by a broad range of agents, networks and partnership. (Kearns: 1999)

The World Initiative on Lifelong Learning (p.5: 1999) provides an interesting definition that encompasses the organising principles described above:

“Lifelong Learning is a continuously supportive process which stimulates and empowers individuals to acquire all the knowledge, values, skills and understanding they will require throughout their lifetimes and to apply them with confidence, creativity and enjoyment in all roles, circumstances, and environments”

In the next few weeks I will be covering the historical background of LLL. Please let me know your thoughts about this issue, specifically on how the concept of lifelong learners applies ( or doesn’t apply) to your work in the sector. You can send me your comments and ideas to


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Volunteer Involving organisations Partnering with RTOs

Dear TDN members

Our colleagues from Community.Net have included a resource produced by Volunteering Australia to assist NGOs in partnering with RTOs. The guidelines will help NGOs to ask the right questions when seeking partnerships with RTOs to deliver training for volunteers.

You can download the guidelines from the Community.Net newsletter or by clicking the link:

Have a great and productive 2009