Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Interesting resources available from the Net

Dear TDN members

I found a couple of interesting websites that could be worth visiting.
The first one is about the creative economy. You can find interesting articles about e-learning and the impact of the digital economy on the workforce. You can subscribe to get their e-newsletter


InfoExchange Australia is an interesting effort of linking IT resources and the social economy


Australian Flexible Learning Framework is promoting a showcase on technology and how these new technologies can assist the VET sector.


IDEA 2008 is running a conference on the role of technology in education. The event will take place on 12 and 13 of November is Melbourne.



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Forum: "training needs for Complex Care"

Dear TDN members
The Northern Sydney Institute Industry Training network is planning to hold a forum called "Training Needs for Complex Care". This will be a full day event at Meadowbank TAFE college on Thursday 27 November. I will keep you informed on further details.

Miguel Ferrero

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Workshop: "Skilling Smarter"

Dear TDN members
The Aged Care and Disability Industry Training Network has organised a workshop called "Skilling Smarter" to be presented by Anthony Rogers. It sounds really interesting as the workshop will look at accessing and utlising existing technology basaed resources for staff training.
The event will be held on thursday 23 of October at Meadowbank TAFE College from 4 to 6 pm. If you are interested, you need to contact Nanda Almeida at nanda.almeida@tafensw.edu.au