Tuesday, May 31, 2011

4 Big Ideas That Will Change The World Of Training - Article

Dear TDN members
I found this interesting article about ideas that are changing the world of training and the article says:


Connectivism is a learning theory for the digital world, where information is constantly changing and updating. Developed by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, this big idea is based on networks and on community, which is defined as “a clustering of similar areas of interest that allows for interaction, sharing, dialoguing and thinking together.”

Connectivism stresses that learning often occurs in loosely defined environments and is found in varied digital formats. Learning is enabled when an individual engages with community because information is distributed across networks. And because information is continually in a state of flux, the ability to seek, find and appropriately filter information is more important that what the individual knows.

When we acknowledge how much learning occurs through connected communities, it opens the door to rethinking traditional approaches to eLearning— at least in some domains. Perhaps it will mean enabling and supporting communities with common interests, breaking down superficial walls to encourage collaboration or documenting organizational knowledge for sharing. The possibilities for implementing connectivism are great.

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning—acquiring knowledge and skills through working with others—goes against the traditional model of pushing instruction on to audience members. This big idea assumes that learning is active, social and constructive.

Collaborative learning works in both structured and unstructured environments. In more formal learning, it often starts with a problem that needs to be solved. Collaborators develop a shared understanding of solutions through research, discussion, conversation and creation. This facilitates higher-level cognitive skills, because learners are creating something new together. Unlike traditional eLearning, learners are not isolated from each other.

In an unstructured environment, collaborative learning occurs naturally, by observing and working with others and through social media platforms. In your world, a focus on collaborative learning could involve adding discussion capabilities to online courses, providing times when experts make themselves available for online chats or promoting the co-creation of wikis for learning.

Situated Learning

This model, developed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, proposes that effective learning occurs through the same activities, context and culture in which it will be applied. Further, that learners take on the sensibilities and beliefs of the community of practice in which they immerse themselves, so that enculturation happens seamlessly. This contrasts with the traditional approach to learning, which typically occurs separate from where the learned performance will take place.

Although situated learning theory may resemble the apprentice system, it goes beyond that. There is not one master, but a community—a variety of experts and workplace situations in which learning occurs.

This is another big idea based on the value of learning through social community. In terms of eLearning, hybrid approaches that allow for social contact can fulfill this approach. Using sophisticated simulations and 3D immersive environments could also work. Situated learning will push training designers to find ways to ensure that employees can stay informed, keep their skills current and know the right questions to ask when solving problems.

Informal Learning

This big idea is based on the fact that people are naturally designed for learning. Infants and children are compelled to explore, discover and experiment; adults learn more outside of structured programs at work, home and play than through formal means.

Informal learning is a self-directed and intrinsically motivated engagement for acquiring skills and knowledge. People set their own goals and the satisfaction comes from being able to do something new. As Jay Cross, proponent of informal learning says, “Informal learning often is a pastiche of small chunks of observing how others do things, asking questions, trial and error, sharing stories with others and casual conversation. Learners are pulled to informal learning.”

In the workplace, informal learning is accomplished by creating an open atmosphere that encourages sharing. It happens by encouraging discussion and conversation, implementing in-house social media technologies and fostering communities of practice. Because more learning occurs informally rather than formally, it’s wise to encourage it"

Source: http://theelearningcoach.com/elearning2-0/big-ideas-that-will-change-training/

Monday, May 23, 2011

Australian Jobs 2011 - Report

Australian Jobs 2011 presents information for people exploring careers or education and training options, as well as those currently looking for work or wanting assistance to enter or re-enter the labour market. The publication includes information about employment trends by region, occupation and industry, together with projected employment growth and job prospects.
I have attached to this entry the link of the report.



Skills for Prosperity Information Session - 31 May 2011, Sydney

Skills Australia is running the following session:

Skills for Prosperity Information Session
Date: 31 May 2011,
Time: 10.45am-12.00noon
Venue: Henry Lawson Room, Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel, 30 Pitt St, Sydney

"On 3 May 2011, Skills Australia released its report on the vocational education and training (VET) sector, Skills for Prosperity – a roadmap for vocational education and training.

Skills Australia invites you to come to an information session about VET reform – outlining rationale and key recommendations of this report".


Monday, May 2, 2011

Sydney Facilitators Network - May 9th at 5.30 pm

The Sydney Facilitators Network is getting together on monday 9th of May from 5.30 pm onwards and its main topic is:

“Wildcard” – Short processes for fun and energy

At a 'Wildcard' meeting, volunteer facilitators step-up to run a short session of between 5 and 20 minutes. Wildcards are often the best meetings to get a range of ideas and tools for working with groups.

Typical processes suitable for the “Wildcard” include ice breakers, opening and closing rituals, energisers, thought provokers, experiential activities, games, simulations, conversations, Q&A sessions - anything at all that can be done in 5 - 20 minutes.

Sessions are not scheduled in advance. Everything is on the night including a short debriefing.

Come with either a short process 'in your pocket' or just to have fun.

Venue: CM05C.01.29 – UTS QUAY St, Level 1 Room 29
University of Technology Sydney (UTS),

Haymarket Campus
(Opposite Market City Shopping Complex and Paddy's Markets)
Near Cnr. Quay St & Ultimo Rd
Haymarket, NSW, 2000

University of Technology Sydney (UTS),

Room CM05C.01.29 (Level 1, Room 29 - follow the signs)