Monday, September 24, 2012

Next TDN Meeting - October 17th

this is the agenda of our next meeting:



Date of meeting:    17th October 2012


Time:                    9:30 am – 1.00 pm


Venue:                   Western Sydney Community Forum


Address:                 Level 4, 146 Marsden St, Parramatta



1.            Welcome/introductions


2.            Apologies


3.            Guest Speaker: Peter Rogers from WESTIR – “basic principles to develop a training needs analysis”


4.             “What is Happening” (new workers, new projects)



5.            Next meeting

this is a copy of the minutes of our last meeting in March this year:
Training Directions Network (TDN)
Minutes of the TDN meeting held on 15 March 2012
Present:  Monica Lamelas (CCWT), Miguel Ferrero (WSCF), Celia Hutton (TRI), Leeane Torpey (ICE), Sarah Featherbe (CRN)
Apologies:  Katy Mercer (IFP-Institute of Family Practice), Jaye Toole (MD Services),  Jackie Wilgress (FWTDP), Margaret Tipper (CRN), Justine Lee (CCWT), Adele Johns (Community Compass), Anne-Marie Kerr (TRI),
Facilitator:      Miguel Ferrero                                                 Minutes Taker: Miguel Ferrero
1.                  Welcome/Introductions
TDN members were asked to introduce themselves   
2.                  Apologies:  See list
3.                  Business Arising from previous minutes
4.                  “What’s Happening” (new workers and new projects)
 Monica Lamelas (CCWT)  
- CCWT's 2012 calendar is now available - you can download it in PDF format from
- We have two new regional training locations: Albury and Orange
- We are now actively encouraging web use for course search and registration, with over 60% of registrations received so far this year were received online. We have officially arrived in cyberspace!
- We have 35 new courses including workshops on dealing with bullying, social media use and policy, Community Development (Intro and Advanced), and 9 new courses in the child protection and family work stream including engaging skillfully with children whose parents have mental health issues.
- We also have a new expanded range of qualifications on offer, including:
  • Certificate IV in Frontline Management. 
  • Certificate IV in Community Services Work
  • Certificate IV in Youth Work
  • Diploma of Community Services Work
  • Diploma of Community Work (Case Management)
  • Diploma of Counselling
As well as our existing Diploma of Community Services Coordination and Diploma of Management. Further details on our new qualifications are coming soon- please keep an eye on our website if you're interested. 
Celia Hutton (TRI Community Exchange)
At the SHINE launch will be held on March 29th at Windsor Library and the project will be training people to use these 6 online resources.  
SHINE resources/strategies overview:
  • Primary strategy, set up Hawkesbury Community Interagency as central interagency, link Hawkesbury News Blog to this interagency, encourage all agencies that provide services within the Hawkesbury LGA to become members to this interagency. Enable broader cross-over of workers across other interagencies, and reduce interagency service siloing.
  • Members of HCI will receive a weekly HeN (Hawkesbury e-newsletter) that can be easily searched via sidebar categories. Will list all events posted that week in the Hawkesbury. Will be great way to get information out to the entire local sector in one post without advertising costs, simply requires agencies to become members of HCI. Advantage easily searchable via categories unlike other e-newsletter such as MCRN support new.
  • See below overview of 4 of the resources developed under the SHINE project that would make you work as both a convenor and sector worker more effective. If you would like to discuss anything further with me, please call anytime.
SHINE Online Resources:
1.      Hawkesbury News Blog - established in partnership with the Hawkesbury Community Interagency to address gap of local information hub. Advantages- will reduce email info share overload, provide one central place for Hawkesbury services to post and access information relevant to the local sector and their communities, encourage broader sector collaborations and bind the Hawkesbury as a more cohesive community of services This blog will also be available for the community to access
a.      Hawkesbury e-newsletter (HeN)–Weekly automated newsletter that is sent out to all members of the Hawkesbury Community Interagency. Advantages- will include all weekly postings to the Hawkesbury News Blog in easy to find search categories. Promote HCI as central contact for local sector, directly link the Hawkesbury News Blog to this interagency and encourage workers from other interagencies and services to become members of the HCI
2.      Hawkesbury Interagencies Mailing List (HIML) web-based mailing list for the Hawkesbury Community Interagency. Advantages- one central email address, reduce convenor email overload, direct information share emails to Hawkesbury News Blog, more effective email communication enabled across membership between meetings. Promote as best practice model for other Hawkesbury Interagencies.
3.      Hawkesbury Interagencies Portal (HIP) Interagency document archive on communityNet to store and publish interagencies meeting agendas, minutes terms of reference. Advantages-promotes wider visibility of Interagency, builds membership, particularly helpful for new workers
4.      Hawkesbury Interagencies Calendar (HIC) accessed through communityNet easy to view interactive calendar of active interagencies, networks and forums operating in the Hawkesbury. Advantages- plan attendance at meetings at a glance in any view from daily to yearly, option to download into own outlook calendar. You will never forget a meeting again or lack the resources to find them. Hyperlinks to terms of reference or MoUs where applicable as well as interagency sites will also be available in the calendar view
see link Hawkesbury News Blog:
Link to submit content to blog:
Link to last e-Newsletter SHINE
Link to Interagency toolkit
Link to Hawkesbury Interagency Portal (HIP)
Leeane Torpey (ICE)
·         As always, we encourage folk to use our free, interactive website to profile thier projects and events in Western Sydney
Miguel Ferrero (WSCF)
·         WSCF has made its training calendar available for the first semester of 2012 and some sessions have not been completely filled
·         Miguel distributed some articles about training including a resource list compiled by the presenter.
·         Also, there was discussion about making the network more interesting and attractive. It was suggested to developed a survey monkey to get feedback and opinion for future focus in 2012 and 2013. Miguel will follow up this item.
Sarah Featherbe (CRN)
  • Community Resource Network, with the support of NSW Family & Community Services' Community Builders Program, is excited to bring you The Professional and Organisational Development (POD) Project's two day event: Branding, Marketing and Communications for Non-Profit and Community Service Organisations, held on Tuesday 1st May - Wednesday 2nd May 2012 8:30am - 4:00pm.
  • This highly interactive and practical seminar will ensure all participants leave with a clear and strong understanding of how to distinguish the strength of their organisation or project, and communicate it in meaningful and powerful ways to gain greater support from funding bodies, grants organisations, business community, and your service community at large.
  • Thanks to the support of the NSW Family & Community Services' Community Builders Program, this event is completely free for non-profit and community service organisations, including materials and catering for both days.
  • Priority will be strictly given to Community Services funded organisations in the Blacktown and Hills LGAs, and places are limited. 
  • For more information and to book your place now before the event fills up, visit:
  1. HOT TOPIC: Guest Speaker: Monica Lamelas – CCWT Senior Learning and Development Project Manager – “Better Powerpoint presentations”
This is a brief summary of Monica’s presentation and discussion. 
·         Monica is a senior project officer at CCWT
·         The purpose of this presentation is to provide tips to develop great powerpoint presentations and what is possible.
What is wrong with Powerpoint presentations
·         The tool has been blamed for the bad presentations we have all experienced
·         It is possible to make it more inspirational
·         The documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” of Alan Gore is a good example how powerpoint presentation can be a good support to a talking head and conveys a very emotional component
·         What kind of presenter are you? Steve Jobs or Bill Gates? Steve Jobs used to use a clean or blank background for example. On the contrary Bill Gate tend to use a more crowded powerpoint presentations
·         Presenters who “abuse” powerpoing tend to use it as a prompter, handouts or data dumps. This is not what powerpoint was designed to do.
·         Powerpoint slides are not the presentation – the presenter is the presentation and the PPT slides are there to back up the presenter
·         Participants need to focus on the presenter, not on the slides.
Let’s use it as best we can
·         Before developing a powerpoint presentation, you usually think about: number of slides, colours and font size. What you should be focusing on is the story instead of the technicalities
·         The presenter needs to keep to one clear message all the time. Think about the learner and how much information can the learner digest information - What does the learner need to take away?
·         What is the subject, what matters to you?
Developing a Powerpoint presentation
·          First step: step away from the computer to do your planning
·         Second step: work out who is your audience?
·         Third step: decide what role are you playing?
Think like a designer – like an artist
·         Reduce the noise: use the billboard principles
·         Use colours appropriately – get the right combination
·         Be very aware of your font size – 54 or more is appropriate – the bigger the better
·         Fonts: be aware that too many fonts can be distracting
·         Use of wide space – very powerful
·         Go easy on animations – use them very sparsely. One animation per presentation
·         Avoid cheesy clipart – people prefer real photos – if you must use clipart,  keep a consistent style
·         Charts: are very powerful and a good visual interpretation for data and information
Slide Makeovers
·         Use one picture or combine that picture with text
·         Assist participants to make an emotional connection with your presentation
·         Never leave any participant with a problem and without a solution – resources and links
·         Guide participants to the right information
·         Keep the key points in case we are not able to use images
·         The visual component will carry the information more powerfully than words
·         There are always three main documents: the presentation (PPT visual aid) to create the emotional impact, the presenter’s notes and the handouts.
Next Meeting 17th October  2012  at 9:30 am – 12:30 pm at WSCF –

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