Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Promote the Value of Online Training within Your Organisation" - article

TrainingIndustry, Inc. and Citrix-Online have produced a paper highlighting the benefits of online training and producing some successful cases to support its advantages. They discuss 12 reasons to employ web-based training within the organisation. Unfortunately, the paper does not provide any drawback in using this new technology.


"Learning Organisations" - Articles

I have found two interesting articles. The first one, is a likert scale that allows you to find out how far the culture of your organisation facilitates learning experiences and foster learning. The second article explores the process of learning in Non-Government organisations and explain why NGOs tend to remain and not disappear in a changing environment




Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Cross Cultural Training" - Some Tips

I found this document produced by the "Community, Spirit and Development" Network which give you some tips on how to select your trainer when you are required to run Indigenous cross cultural training at your agency



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Learning Organisations" Introduction

TDN members
At the last TDN meeting participants identified the issue of "learning organisations" as theme priority for 2010. To start the conversation I have included two articles that explore the concept and with a focus on NGOS.



Happy reading

Thursday, March 4, 2010

TDN - 2010 Directions

The Training Directions Network had its strategic planning day on February 11 at the Forum and some of the changes suggested are:

In terms of the current format, participants agreed to have two meetings per year. Two longer meetings per year were recommended as “strategic pauses” where participants could share with other TDN members their issues and improve their training practice in the long term.

Also TDN participants identified priorities for the year 2010 and this is a list of the themes

a) Aboriginal workers and training
b) Learning organizations
c) What we should expect from trainers and consultants (MOUs, fees, location, costs)
d) Copyright and intellectual property
e) Professional standards
f) Workforce issues – how to train people from different backgrounds ( CALD, gender, age – diverse audience)
g) E-learning