Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is Google making our e-learning stupid?

Very interesting article on the impact of Google technology. How this is shaping the way we filter information, altering our reading habits, and the challenges posed by the new learner in this "instant answer" culture.


Approaches to measuring and understanding employer training expenditure

Interesting NCVER publication. It explores the difficulties of obtaining data on employer training expenditures. The study analysed major surveys and conducted case studies in different industries including the health and community services.
Enjoy the reading.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Role of Blogs in the NGO sector

Dear TDN members

Based on our discussion on friday and the future role of e-learning in the NGO sector, I found this article on our community-net newsletter about how blogs as a tool can support our work in marketing our programs, supporting our advocacy role and/or sharing information. I have attached the link of the article for your perusal.