Friday, December 12, 2008

"Skilling Australia for the Future 2008"

Dear TDN

NCOSS has made available a report providing a synthesis of feedback received on the Productivity Places Program. This initiative has been introduced by the Federal Government to lift workforce participation and productivity. The report also includes views from key stakeholders obtained through consultation. By clicking on the link you will be able to download the document.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"Training Organisations need HR"

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research has recently published a paper comparing the public and private RTOs in their HR systems to cope with skills shortages.

Also, RTOs report that the level of competition in the training market is very high. In order to cope with these changes, innovation and developing niche markets are the most common strategies.

You can see the full report by clicking on the link:


Friday, December 5, 2008

Facilitators network - Monday 8th DECEMBER, 2008 “Wildcard: Celebrating the Experience of Facilitation” - Monday 8th December

Dear TDN members

You are warmly invited to our next meeting on Monday 8th DECEMBER, 2008 which will run in conjunction with the ICEL conference.

We'll use our trademark 'Wildcard' format where several guest facilitators step up on the night and share facilitation activities – aimed at reviewing, celebrating and acknowledging our diverse learning for the year.

Venue: Room 5.580 Level 5, Building 10, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Jones Street, Ultimo corner Thomas Street. Take the lift to level 5, cross the atrium foot bridge, walk straight ahead to room 580.

Time: from 5:30pm to 7:30pm sharp

Cost: participants are required to make $5 contribution to cover tea and coffee expenses

See you there

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Social and economic trends in NSW - NCOSS report

Dear TDN

The purpose of this document is to support NCOSS pre budget submission and provide a summaryof key social and economic trends in NSW. It is a great resource.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is Google making our e-learning stupid?

Very interesting article on the impact of Google technology. How this is shaping the way we filter information, altering our reading habits, and the challenges posed by the new learner in this "instant answer" culture.


Approaches to measuring and understanding employer training expenditure

Interesting NCVER publication. It explores the difficulties of obtaining data on employer training expenditures. The study analysed major surveys and conducted case studies in different industries including the health and community services.
Enjoy the reading.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Role of Blogs in the NGO sector

Dear TDN members

Based on our discussion on friday and the future role of e-learning in the NGO sector, I found this article on our community-net newsletter about how blogs as a tool can support our work in marketing our programs, supporting our advocacy role and/or sharing information. I have attached the link of the article for your perusal.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pocket guide: Australian Vocational Education and Training Statistics

TDN members

NCVER has produced a pocket guide containing data from 2007 vocational education and training (VET) statistics collections. The document includes key data on students and courses, apprentices and trainees training activity, graduates, the financial operations of the VET system, and employers' use and views of the VET system. I have included the link so, you can download the pdf document


social e-learning

This free resource provides examples, step-by-step guides, case studies, plus e-learning strategies, tools and activities which both a novice or advanced e-learning user would find useful


Monday, October 13, 2008

Cross cultural training and work performance report

Dear TDN members
I found this interesting report produced by NCVER which confirms the value of cross-cultural training in developing the cultural competence needed by employees to work effectively with culturally diverse co-workers and customers. The survey has also reported that participants have improved workplace performance and cultural self-awareness, with most indicating they would like further cross-cultural training


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Interesting resources available from the Net

Dear TDN members

I found a couple of interesting websites that could be worth visiting.
The first one is about the creative economy. You can find interesting articles about e-learning and the impact of the digital economy on the workforce. You can subscribe to get their e-newsletter

InfoExchange Australia is an interesting effort of linking IT resources and the social economy

Australian Flexible Learning Framework is promoting a showcase on technology and how these new technologies can assist the VET sector.

IDEA 2008 is running a conference on the role of technology in education. The event will take place on 12 and 13 of November is Melbourne.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Forum: "training needs for Complex Care"

Dear TDN members
The Northern Sydney Institute Industry Training network is planning to hold a forum called "Training Needs for Complex Care". This will be a full day event at Meadowbank TAFE college on Thursday 27 November. I will keep you informed on further details.

Miguel Ferrero

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Workshop: "Skilling Smarter"

Dear TDN members
The Aged Care and Disability Industry Training Network has organised a workshop called "Skilling Smarter" to be presented by Anthony Rogers. It sounds really interesting as the workshop will look at accessing and utlising existing technology basaed resources for staff training.
The event will be held on thursday 23 of October at Meadowbank TAFE College from 4 to 6 pm. If you are interested, you need to contact Nanda Almeida at


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Welcome to the Training Directions Network

TDN members,

My name is Miguel Ferrero and I joined the Western Sydney Community Forum in June 2008 as training and development officer. One of my current roles is to convene and resource the Training Directions Network (TDN).

The aim of the Training Directions Network is to bring together training providers and interested workers in Western Sydney to discuss and identify current cross-sectorial strategies to meet the training needs of community based organisations.

On August 12 we met to identify workforce issues among them the role of technology in the NGO sector. As part of that proces and to encourage the use of this new techonology, I have set up this blog for the network to continue the conversation.

Once again, welcome and start blogging.